Agenda item

Creative Learning - Presentation

Presentation by the Director of Creative Learning.


The Director of Creative Learning provided a brief presentation on Creative Learning. He explained that a strategy had been established which created lifelong learning, a scope for progression, key values, a mission statement and learning modules. There were four key themes which were as follows:-


-        Schools, Young People, Families and Adults;

-        Undergraduates;

-        Leadership Masters and;

-        Professional Development.


A discussion took place and in response to a question by a Governor, the Director of Creative Learning explained that due to timetable constraints travelling time to external placements could prove a challenge for some students. Discussions were therefore taking place with more neighbouring Boroughs such as Tower Hamlets, Islington and Hackney.


In relation to what an undergraduate student was achieving the Director of Creative Learning explained that students were being equipped to develop the full range of skills required to be a successful professional practitioner in the 21st century.  Areas of training include performing, composing, collaborating, leading and teaching in a variety of cultural, educational and community-based settings, as well as in subject areas such as health and well-being, performance psychology, entrepreneurship and career planning.  Learning experiences for both undergraduates and postgraduates also included undertaking inter-disciplinary and cross-sector projects in a wide variety of contexts, enabling students to better understand the expectations and opportunities that would lie before them during their professional careers.


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