Agenda item

Grants/Expenditure considered under Delegated Authority


The Committee received a report of the Chief Grants Officer which advised Members of seven expenditure items, totalling £20,800, which had been presented for approval under delegated authority to the Chief Grants Officer in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman.


·         Centre For Armenian Information & Advice - £2,400 (6 days @ £400 per day) to provide an eco-audit.

·         Cockpit Arts - £2,000 to match CEP funding towards the wage costs of 1 Apprentice for 1 year. The national minimum wage must be paid.

·         Community Health Action Trust (known as CHAT) - £2,400 (6 days @ £400 per day) to provide an eco-audit.

·         Old Kent Road Mosque and Islamic Cultural Centre - £2,400 (6 days @ £400 per day) to provide an eco-audit as part of the ‘Greening London’s Mosques’ initiative.

·         Southbank Centre - £4,000 to match CEP funding towards the wage costs of 2 Apprentices for 1 year. The national minimum wage must be paid.

·         Spitalfields City Farm - £2,600 (6.5 days @ £400 per day) to provide an eco-audit.

·         Vineyard Congregational Church - £5,000 for the costs of an independent access audit (£2,500) and the subsequent scheme designs and drawings (£2,500).


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


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