Agenda item

Management Report by the Centre's Directors

Report of the Managing Director.


The Board received a report of the Managing Director which included updates from the Barbican Centre’s Departmental Directors.


The Managing Director reported that a recent acoustic test at Milton Court’s concert hall had led to excellent feedback.  He added that following the recent successful away day, the Centre had a clear vision of its strategic aims and objectives, its vision to provide world-class arts and learning, and its renewed emphasis on what the Barbican could offer London.


The Head of Programming reported that a number of new projects were due to be launched in the coming weeks and that the Centre had received three awards for some of its work over the 2012/13 season.


The Head of Creative Learning reported that Open School East was gathering momentum with 12 confirmed artists signed up to the project. He informed Members of the first creative learning event that would take in Milton Court in April 2014.


The Director of Audiences and Development informed Members that three tender applications were expected for the digital information contract which was scheduled to be awarded in August 2013. The Director added that following an unsuccessful closed tender process for the design of the new website, an open tender process had now been initiated. She further added that the consequential delays were unfortunate and were a result of the Barbican following external advice. The Director advised that both projects were anticipated to have an autumn 2013 launch.


The Operations and Buildings Director advised of work being done to for the Centre to re-align its Sustainability policy and Action plan to meet the Arts Council Sustainability objectives for supported projects. The Director advised that this would be a requirement if the Centre were to be in a position to successfully bid for grants in the future.


He added that staff training for the operation of Milton Court was currently underway and indications were that the training programme provided by the contractors for engineering and facilities operational staff was progressing well.


The Chief Operating and Financial Officer reported that almost 50% of the conference events business for 2013/14 had been contracted already. He added that the new Cote restaurant at the Barbican Cinemas was performing well and that whilst Searcy’s had underperformed in recent months, business was expected to experience an uplift following a refurbishment over the summer months.


Discussion ensued regarding the need for action in updating the Beech Street Tunnel. In response, the Chairman responded that possibilities would be examined as part of a wider area improvement review. The Deputy Chairman highlighted that there were certain restrictions limited what could be done due to EU safety regulations relating to tunnels. 



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