Agenda item

Appointment of the Finance, Reference, Nominations and Risk Sub Committees for 2013/2014

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Board considered a report of the Town Clerk regarding the appointment of Sub Committees for the ensuing year (2013/14).


There being no ballots, it was:



i)              The Reference Sub-Committee be suspended until further notice; and

ii)             the following Memberships be agreed: -



Finance Committee of the Barbican Centre Board

Chairman of the Board (ex-officio)

Deputy Chairman of the Board (ex-officio)

Finance Committee Representative (ex-officio)

Vivienne Littlechild

Cllr Guy Nicholson

Keith Salway

Jeremy Simons

Deputy Dr Giles Shilson


Nominations Committee of the Barbican Centre Board

Chairman of the Board (ex-officio)

Deputy Chairman of the Board (ex-officio)

Tom Hoffman

Roly Keating

Jeremy Mayhew


Risk Committee of the Barbican Centre Board

Chairman of the Board (ex-officio)

Deputy Chairman of the Board (ex-officio)

Vivienne Littlechild

Brian McMaster

Keith Salway


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