Agenda item


Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services


This report updated residents on issues raised at the RCC/BRC meetings in January/February 2013.  It also provided updates on other issues on the Estate.

Four residents had asked questions in advance (appended to these minutes) but there were further issues raised during the discussions.


Service Charges (Q1) - Eddie Stevens offered to facilitate meetings with house groups about the emerging Asset Management Strategy. The Chairman of the Barbican Association (Jane Smith) suggested an annual briefing meeting, particularly for the benefit of new RCC/House Group members.


London Film School (Q2) – Eddie Stevens offered to provide further details on the fit out.  John Tomlinson (Deputy Chairman of the Barbican Centre Board) reminded residents that the London Film School had held a consultation meeting last year and were very mindful of residents’ concerns. 


Beech Street Tunnel – Residents noted that, given the volume of work required to achieve EU standards for the tunnel, the enhancements would be mainly cosmetic.  Residents felt that the street cleaning standards in the tunnel were somewhat lacking.


Beech Gardens (Q. 6) – Eddie Stevens reminded residents that the podium had been leaking, intermittently, for the past 30 years.   There had been numerous remedial works but no actual solution.  Further to the possibility of litigation from Virgin Media, Members had insisted on a robust programme of works, with a 25 year guarantee.  Residents asked if there could be an email broadcast, providing further information.  Residents were reminded of the recent, comprehensive programme of public meetings (both lunchtime and evenings), which had been advertised widely around the estate as well as the recent email broadcast.  Mr Anderson had met recently with the Department of Open Spaces to discuss the process for planning and consulting with residents on new planting and the new irrigation systems; which would be installed above the waterproof layer. 


Some residents had noticed that the tiles being used in patch repairs were a poor size match.  Karen Tarbox was investigating whether this had been due to a change in the specification or an ordering failure.  Whilst noting the Planning Department’s involvement, due to the listed building implications, Mr Anderson expressed concern about the accountability.  


Landscaping Working Group – Randall Anderson offered to approach Bryer and John Trundle House Groups to seek representatives.  Residents noted that Bryer Court would be consulted about irrigation water storage in the 02 driveway (Virgin Active loading bay). 


Work in progress –Karen Tarbox agreed to check that Environmental Health had been consulted on the chlorination/public health aspects of the Dolphin fountain.  


Failure of chargeable services (Q. 7) –Eddie Stevens agreed to investigate further with the City Solicitor.


TV Network – Randall Anderson had received the amended Licence last week; VFM is now proposing an SCR upgrade to allow greater capacity for packages such as sky plus without any change inside the flats for those who do not wish to receive any new services and fibre installed to all flats for the provision of high speed internet.  The new fibre optic system would be being installed throughout the estate, with boxes provided only to those residents wishing to subscribe to enhanced packages.  Whilst there would be no additional charge for the boxes, the subscription package had not been clarified.  Residents noted that none of the City’s SLAs had been changed and the Working Party would consider the latest proposal in the next couple of weeks.


Frobisher Crescent (Q.8) – The Frobisher resident was very happy with the response (set out in the appendix). 


2 Fann Street – former YMCA site – A report would be presented to the BRC on 17 June proposing high end, private residential use, subject to planning permission. 


Concrete repairs - The minutes of the meeting between the Chairmen of the RCC, BA, BRC and Bickerdike Allen were set out at Item 5.  The Chairman of the BA advised that they were not yet in a position to respond and, therefore  the BRC in September would receive a full report and recommendation.


Sustainability Working Party (Energy Savings) – Eddie Stevens advised that the current supplier of electricity for the under floor heating were no longer willing to supply electricity on the current tariff after the next heating season.  The Energy Team would be starting the tendering process and the Energy Manager (Paul Kennedy) would be invited to the next Sustainability Working Party.  The BRC would receive a report in September, seeking direction.


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