Agenda item

IS Strategy 2013 - 2018

To receive a report of the Chamberlain relative to the Corporation of London’s IS Strategy.


The Sub-Committee received a report of the Chamberlain which followed on from the IS Strategy consultation document presented at the February 2013 meeting.


The Chamberlain stressed that the strategy was a living document that would evolve over time. He added that it shifted the departmental focus from backroom facilitators to a customer facing department.


In response to a Member’s question on data protection issues, the Chamberlain responded that an organisational refresh was underway on the subject and this would also be delivered to Members.


In response to a Member’s question regarding assisting with the digitisation of the London Metropolitan Archives (LMA), the Chief Information Officer, responded that colleagues in his department would be working with the LMA on this project. He added that the team intended to learn from the digitisation project undertaken at the British Library. 


In response to a Member’s question regarding ORACLE Property Management software, the Chief Information Officer responded that a decision on adoption of the software would be taken in July. The Chamberlain clarified that the new system would be used for investment property management and not rental properties.


RESOLVED – That the strategy be adopted and be subject to review after a period of six months.


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