Agenda item

Questions on matters relating to the work of the committee


There were questions from the Committee in respect of the following –


Former Midland Bank- Further to a question, the City Planning Officer advised that this building was now under new ownership and he was anticipating a planning application on the site in the near future.  In addition, the City Planning Officer agreed to speak to the owners in respect of improving the appearance of the building.


Residents Car Parking – One Member queried as to whether there was scope to introduce a scheme for resident’s car parking in the City.  The City Planning Officer advised that there was no provision for this type of parking as the City was not a residential area, however as part of a project to re-examine parking in the City, this could be considered. 


Phone payment technology for parking – Further to question, Members were informed that the possibility of using the internet to pay for parking could be considered as a possibility in the future.