Agenda item

Any other Business that the Chairman considers urgent


Farringdon Street Bridge – The City Surveyor informed the Committee that this project required urgent authorisation of additional payments. 


RESOLVED – That authority be delegated to the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Planning and Transportation Committee and the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Projects Sub Committee in respect of Farringdon Street Bridge in respect of authorisation of additional payments.


Chartered Institute of Highways and Transportation - The Chairman was delighted to announce the ‘CIHT/Enterprise Mouchel Streets’ Award given to the City of London for the Cheapside scheme.  The judges had considered the scheme to be outstanding and addressed the balance between movement and place as well as by the use of high quality materials.


Further, the Chairman expressed congratulations to Annie Hampson, Planning Services & Development Director who had recently undertook a cycle ride in Holland in aid of charity.