Agenda item

Website - user feedback and statistics

To receive a presentation by Susan Attard, Deputy Town Clerk.


The Sub-Committee received a presentation of the Deputy Town Clerk providing Members with user feedback and statistics from the 2012 website overhaul.


The Deputy Town Clerk advised that whilst there were still areas that could be improved upon, notably the search function and integration with social media, overall user feedback from the new site had been positive. She added that areas identified for improvement were being worked on as a matter of priority.


It was noted that the website had received a Webby Award as recognition of the improvements.


In response to a Member’s query, the Deputy Town Clerk advised that users surveyed for feedback were a mix of staff, residents and business users.


Members raised a number of concerns regarding integration of the website function with other applications search functions, for example the planning system and committee management software.  In response, the Chief Information Officer advised that his team would examine marrying the systems into the website’s search function.







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