Agenda item

Mobile Phone Payment Technology for Parking


Consideration was given to a report of the Director of the Built Environment which provided an update on the introduction of mobile phone payment technology (credit and debit card payment using mobile phone), which was introduced in the City for on-street parking on 28 November 2011.



a)     the take up of the new service to date be noted;

b)     the removal of pay and display machines to reflect the fall in usage by coin, debit and credit card payments at the P&D machine be approved;

c)     the possible introduction of extending the service by PaybyPhone  in those car parks managed by the Department of the Built Environment, as an interim measure to replacing the existing pay on foot equipment be approved;

d)     the PaybyPhone with Verrus UK Ltd trading as PaybyPhone contract by 12 months to 27 November 2014 be extended; and

e)     the introduction of a free one-hour parking trial for three months to encourage greater up take of the service provided by PaybyPhone subject to a review at three-months be approved.

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