Agenda item

20MpH Speed Limit Benefits and Disbenefits Investigation


Consideration was given to a report of the Director of the Built Environment in respect of the 20mph speed limit benefits and dis-benefits investigation.


During discussion, reference was made to ensuring there was adequate technology to enforce speeding, improving safety figures and CCTV arrangements.


Upon being put to a vote Members supported the report with the exception of one Member abstaining and one Member voting against.



a)     subject to the agreement of the Court of Common Council, public notice of the City’s intention to make an order prohibiting the driving of motor vehicles on all streets in the City of London for which the City is the local traffic authority at more than 20mph be given;

b)     any objections that are made to the making of that order be reported to your Planning and Transportation Committee for consideration; and

c)     the costs of implementing a 20mph limit be met through Local Implementation Programme funding with approval being sought to utilise the ‘on street parking reserve’ in the event of any shortfall.

Supporting documents: