Agenda item

City of London Air Quality Progress Report

Report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection.


Consideration was given to the annual report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection in respect of the Air Quality Progress.


The Environmental Health Officer informed the Committee that the Corporation had been awarded £280,000 over 3 years from the Mayor’s Air Quality Fund for several projects, and the focus of this work was in the Eastern part of the City.


Joint bids the Corporation was part of had received a total of £560,000 over three years which included working with Bart’s Health National Health Service (NHS) Trust, business engagement and a publicity campaign.


During discussion, reference was made to taxi idling which was reducing as a result of more enforcement; and dust suppression on Upper and Lower Thames Street which was not so successful being located under London Bridge, therefore a trial programme of street washing would be undertaken.


Members noted that the report regarding the benefits and dis-benefits of the 20mph speed limit implementation would be going to Court later in the year and it was agreed to report to this Committee the research that had been undertaken and what other boroughs were doing.



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