Agenda item


To agree the minutes and non-public summary of the meeting held on Thursday, 6 June 2013.


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the last meeting held on 6th June 2013 be agreed as an accurate record.


Matters Arising

The Town Clerk informed the Committee that information under item 12 had been repeated in the minute under item 17 and would therefore be deleted from item 17.


Discussions ensued regarding the minutes under item 12, and Members noted that they did not capture the statement made at the previous meeting.


In consultation with the Members, the Town Clerk undertook to amend the minute under Item 12 to read as follows:


“The Chief Grants Officer informed the Committee that the refurbishment works including the installation of a disability lift at the Sir John Soane’s Museum had received an Award for Best Conservation Project from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. The Award specifically mentioned the innovative design of the lift, which had been funded by The City Bridge Trust.”


In response to a query regarding item 6, Officers advised that a grant application had undergone an amended status from recommended for rejection, following the previous Committee.


The Town Clerk would amend the minutes under Item 6 - Grant Applications as follows:-


“Members noted that a total of thirty-seven applications would be dealt with at the meeting, of which ten were recommended for approval, eighteen were recommended for rejection, and three had been withdrawn.”


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