Agenda item

Outstanding Items

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee received a report of the Town Clerk that identified items which required further action by officers.


Members noted an error in the progress date for the Outstanding Grant Conditions listed for Hackney Caribbean Elders and Merton Home Tutoring Service, and it was agreed progress should have been completed by the current Committee meeting date of 4 July as opposed to the stated date of 6 July.


In response to a query from Members, officers agreed to circulate a list of monitoring visits for expressions of interest to Members over the next several weeks following this Committee meeting.


Following the advice of the Comptroller and City Solicitor, the Chief Grants Officer informed the Committee that the delegated authority process, agreed by the Committee at the April 2012 meeting, had been amended with the assistance of the Town Clerk. This was to ensure the process was in accordance with Standing Orders. It was noted that applications up to £25,000 would be delegated to the Chief Grants Officer, in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman.




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