Agenda item

Visit by the Prime Minister of Tanzania - Update

Verbal update by the Superintendent, Spitalfields Market.


The Superintendent of Spitalfields Market provided a verbal update on the recent visit by the Prime Minister of Tanzania. He reported that Sacoma Fresh Produce, which was a tenant at New Spitalfields Market, had operated as both a market stand to sell fruit and vegetables at a profit and also acted as a social enterprise and development/aid charity. The charity aimed to sell produce from small farm holders in Africa to send back more profit to African farmers and spend their own profits from sales to develop better packaging, farming and supply chain infrastructure to generate jobs in the local region to help create sustainable agriculture businesses and reduce poverty in Tanzania.


He explained that the Prime Minister had spent time at the market talking with representatives from Sacoma staff and other traders in the market looking at what could be done to encourage and support the export of Tanzania produce to Europe and to help create an agri-business in Tanzania.