Agenda item

Relationship of the Barbican Residential Committee Outturn Report to Service Charge Schedules

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services


The Committee received a joint  report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services and the Chamberlain noted the questions submitted in advance.   


During the discussion and supplementary questions, the following points were raised:


·         The concrete costs had not been included in the 2011/12 Service Charges as they had been added to the Repair and Maintenance Account and then reversed out.  ANN SORRY NOT SURE ON THIS BIT ?


·         IRS system total – Anne Mason agreed to investigate and report back.


·         The time that the Engineers had spent elsewhere had been slightly over-estimated.  However, the underfloor heating projects had fully engaged the Senior Engineer.


·         The underfloor heating estimate was a combination of average consumption multiplied by the expected unit price.  Should EDF terminate the Contract in January and there is a cold winter, then this estimate would be understated; anything above ‘Economy 7’ could be at the standard unit rate and the afternoon ‘boost’ could be much higher.  The Chairman suggested a further estimate on this basis and that this be referred to the new Underfloor Heating Working Party.


Finally, residents were asked to note that 2 service charge workshops had been scheduled for 11 September at 1pm and 6.30pm at the Barbican Estate Office (in the Lilac Room).  If RCC Members were unable to make it, Anne Mason offered 1-1 sessions.  The sessions were open to non-RCC members but officers asked if the RCC Representative/House Group Chairmen could co-ordinate numbers and advise the Town Clerk of expected attendance.  Members asked if officers could be mindful of the attendance of non-accountants.

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