Agenda item

Revenue Outturn

Joint report of the Chamberlain and the Director of Community and Children’s Services


Members received a report of the Chamberlain.  During the discussion and questions, the following points were raised:


·         The City was seeking to make savings through ‘back room’ operations, such as IT (which has been outsourced).  Service Charge budgets would therefore be protected.


·         Towards the end of each Financial Year, the Barbican Estate Office invited suggestions on areas that might need extra repair or maintenance.  These suggestions were worked into business cases and included in the Director’s bidding process.  Members thanked officers for the tiling outside Lauderdale Tower and the reglazing of the fire escape; both of which had resulted from this process.


·         Members felt that they lacked knowledge on the bidding criteria and assessment of priorities,  The Chamberlain’s representative reminded Members that his contact details were available at the end of the Outturn Report and he was happy to speak to residents and give further explanations, when necessary.


·         Members were concerned about the drains on St Giles Terrace, which blocked regularly.  Officers advised that they were being investigated and the Landlord Account would cover the repair.  .


·         Premises costs were up 13% but this included heating, repair and maintenance, energy costs and some rents/rates.


·         In respect of the recharges increase for outsourcing; Officers explained this was a one-off ‘invest to save’ from outsourcing the IT Contract but it would generate longer-term savings.

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