Agenda item

Residents' Survey

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services


Members received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s’ Services about the recent survey.  During the discussion and questions, the following points were raised:


·         All the notice boards on the Estate had advertised the survey, in order to include non-internet users.  The response rate had been good but the number of responses on paper had been very low (just 5 or 6).


·         It was difficult to offer a comparator to the last survey as the format had changed but this could be done next time.  The Chairman offered to assist with the formatting of the next survey.


·         Further information on the out of hours survey would be available shortly.


·         Given that on-line processing of surveys was less time consuming, officers would consider conducting an annual survey


In concluding, members thanked the Estate Office for a helpful survey. 

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