The Chairman considered the following items urgent:
Child Protection Policy
The Chairman informed Board Members that the Guildhall School had just refreshed their Child Protection Policy. The Centre would be reviewing whether its policy also needed any updating.
The Director of Creative Learning commented that the activities of the Centre were covered by the Guildhall School policy on collaborative events and that his department also had their own policy.
a) annual reports on child protection be brought to the Board; and
b) a report be prepared for the next meeting of the Board detailing the Centre’s own policy.
London Living Wage
The Board received a resolution of the Finance Committee informing Members that at its meeting on 23 September 2013, the Committee had endorsed two reports which recommended paying the London Living Wage on staff and student catering contracts and on corporate cleaning contracts; the reports also recommended that the costs of the London Living Wage elements of the contract would be borne centrally by the City Corporation.