Agenda item

Children and Young People Safeguarding policy

Joint report of the Principal and the Town Clerk (copy attached).


The Board considered a joint report of the Principal and the Town Clerk seeking approval to a revised Safeguarding Policy for the School.


The Board agreed a proposal put forward by the Chairman that Christina Coker and Marianne Fredericks be appointed as lead governors on safeguarding and vulnerable adults.


In response to a Member’s question the Principal responded that vulnerable adults were discussed as part of the policy but in the interests of expediting the children’s policy it was agreed that an adult policy would follow.


In response to another question, the Principal confirmed the School needed to adopt a proactive approach to educating students and current staff on safeguarding issues.


The Chairman reported that all governors would receive training, with lead governors receiving additional training on a date to be arranged near the end of October 2013.




a) the Child Safeguarding Policy be approved; and

b) Christina Coker and Marianne Fredericks be appointed lead governors for Child Safeguarding and Vulnerable Adults.






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