Agenda item

Report on the work of the Adult Advisory Group

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services


The Committee received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services and were informed that in June 2013, as part of the Grand Committee's review of its sub committees and allocation of Lead Members’ responsibilities, it was agreed that the current Chairman of the Adults Advisory Group (AAG) , Deputy Billy Dove, would continue as its Chairman. The AAG meet on a quarterly basis and would report on its activity on an annual basis to the Grand Committee and the Health and Well Being Board.


Officers informed Members that the AAG played a key role in facilitating opportunities for service users, carers, voluntary organisations, officers and Members to help collectively shape practice and policy in Adult Social Care through a process of consultation and co- production.


Members were informed that the focus of the AAG included:

• facilitating opportunities for co-produced policy and practice development;

• updating Members on the transformation of social care and the personalisation agenda;

updating Members on consultations, guidance and legislative changes in respect of Adult Social Care at national and local level;

• updating members on key issues in relation to safeguarding adults;

• ensuring that adults and older people from socially and/or economically excluded groups are involved in the planning, development and review of services within the City of London Corporation;

• providing opportunities for the representatives of key stakeholder groups to meet together to promote information exchange, networking and disseminate good practice for example representatives from the Safeguarding Adult Board, Older People Reference Group and Commissioning.


In response to a query from Members, Officers said Dementia Cafes provided an area for people to come together and talk about their situation in an informal environment. Members noted that the report had been endorsed by the City’s Health and Wellbeing Board. In response to a query from Members, Officers said that the membership of the AAG was not limited, and every effort was made to engage with as many people as possible.

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