Agenda item

Portsoken Early Intervention Review findings and recommendations

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services


The Committee received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services informed Members that in April 2012 Toynbee Hall were commissioned to manage the Portsoken Health and Community Centre. Following this appointment an Early

Intervention Review was undertaken to prepare for the new health and

wellbeing responsibilities in the area. The review had now been completed,

discussed with Portsoken Members and senior officers and distributed to all

partners for comment.


Members were informed that a Portsoken Early Intervention Review project board consisting of officers and key partners (including City and Hackney Primary Care Trust, Toynbee Hall and the Sir John Cass School) produced a brief for the review. The project board, through a competitive tender process, then commissioned Rocket Science to undertake it.


The review recommended a new way of managing the Portsoken Health and

Community Centre, the establishment of a One Portsoken Forum and other

improvements to service delivery and community engagement aimed at

improving the health and wellbeing of both residents and workers in the area.


Members welcomed the report and agreed that the consultation process had captured a good range of people. It was agreed that the onsite café should remain a social environment and not a commercial enterprise. Members suggested that courses should be made available for those who were currently out of work regarding work ethics and basic skills training.


In response to a query from Members, Officers noted that the Health and Wellbeing Board should be engaged in this review and consulted when appropriate.


RESOLVED: That Members:

Noted the Portsoken Early Intervention Review and any comments received by partners.

Endorsed in principle the six priorities for action set out in the review:

1. A coordinated approach for the commissioning and delivery of services, bringing the services, providers and facilities in the ward together under a ‘One Portsoken’ umbrella.

2. Making better use of the assets and facilities in the ward.

3. The development of a health education strategy targeting those residents and city workers who are most vulnerable, such as the elderly, and also young people, who can be difficult to access.

4. To continue investing in community initiatives that help to maintain a sense of community on both estates in the ward.

5. To put in place a coordinated service that brings City Advice and Adult Learning together to help residents manage their benefits and budgets.

6. To put in place a targeted employment and skills programme to continue to provide access to employment support.

Agree that the Portsoken Health and Community Centre should be managed by the Centre Manager of the Artizan Street Library and Community Centre from 1st April 2014 onwards.

Endorsed the Director of Community and Children’s Services decision to waive the City's Procurement Regulations in accordance with Regulation 12 to allow the appointment of Rocket Science to support the establishment of a ‘One Portsoken Forum’.


Supporting documents: