Agenda item

Internal Audit Update

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services


The Committee received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services informing Members that a recent audit on financial management focused upon the following areas:

• Examined the adequacy of controls in respect of the documentation and

dissemination of procedures covering all key financial processes

• Reviewed arrangements for the monitoring and control of budgets

• Evaluated the adequacy of income collection procedures including recording,

collection, banking and monitoring processes

• Examined procedures in place for the raising of purchase orders and the

reconciliation, authorisation and payment of invoices

• Evaluated the efficiency of debt management procedures

• Determined the extent and effectiveness of communication between

department officers and Chamberlains including the capacity of the finance

team to discharge its duties effectively.


Members noted that a ‘Green’ Substantial Assurance level was provided as a result of the review summarising that there was a sound control environment with risks being reasonably managed. Any deficiencies identified were not cause for major concern. Ten green priority and one amber priority recommendations were made and agreed as a result of the audit. The amber recommendation relates to the creation of purchase orders prior to the receipt of invoices. Reminders to officers had been provided and arrangements made to reinforce this requirement on a regular basis.


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