Agenda item

Sponsorship of London Works - a social enterprise temporary recruitment agency

Report of the Director of Economic Development (copy attached).


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Economic Development proposing a contribution of £100,000 to assist with seed funding for London Works, a social enterprise temporary recruitment agency set up by the East London Business Alliance.




1.    approval be given to a contribution of £100,000 to London Works, split into two annual contributions of £50,000 over the 2013/14 and 2014/15 financial years, to be met from the Policy Initiatives Fund for the respective years, categorised under ‘Communities’ and charged to City’s Cash;


2.    it be noted that the proposed contribution would be subject to London Works accepting referrals from each of the City’s seven neighbouring boroughs and working closely with the Brokerage Citylink; and


3.    Deputy Catherine McGuinness be appointed as the City Corporation’s representative on the board of London Works.




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