Agenda item

Planning commitments for City of London Open Spaces

Report of the Director of Open Spaces (copy attached).


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Open Spaces concerning the need to engage with local planning authorities on proposed developments or on matters which might have an impact on the City Corporation’s open spaces and the additional resources required to do this.




1.      £25,000 be allocated to cover the cost of planning consultancy work to aid the protection of the Open Spaces from development pressures and in so doing shape relevant local planning authority Plans. The cost would be met from the Policy and Resources Committee’s contingency for 2013/14 and charged to City’s Cash; and


2.      it be noted that if demand for work continued into financial year 2014/15 in the first instance attempts would be made to meet the costs from the Open Spaces budget. In the absence of resource within the Open Space budget, a similar amount may be sought for completing work in Financial Year 2014/15.  


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