Agenda item

Detailed Options Appraisal - Aldgate Highway Changes and Public Realm Improvement Project


A report of the Director of the Built Environment was considered in relation to the Aldgate Highway Changes and Public Realm Improvement project.


During discussion, reference was made to the following –


·             Members noted that on St Botolph Street there would be a general narrowing of the carriageway with a formal crossing.  The design of the crossing would take account of the increasing number of pedestrians and would include a timer, a feature of most new crossings.

·             It was noted that by the time construction of the project had begun, the proposed 20mph speed limit would be in place.

·             One Member highlighted the importance of the safety of pedestrians and that the positioning of the bus station needed to be given careful consideration to respond to traffic flow.  Members noted that Officers were liaising with Transport for London on this matter.

·             Concern had been raised by the Open Spaces Committee about on-going revenue costs, for example for the proposed water feature. Revenue costs might be funded by larger up-front payments to cover a longer period of running costs.

·             Members were informed that more work would be undertaken to address issues regarding pollution from stationary vehicles and a response explaining a plan to address this would be submitted to the nearby residents.

·             One Member advised that at a meeting between Ward Members it was considered that the project should not move forward unless the cycle way through the open space was relocated to below ground level.  In response, the Assistant Director agreed to contact the Ward Members to arrange a meeting to discuss the concerns raised.

·             Members noted that details regarding the design, funding and operation of the kiosk were not contained in the report however; the Assistant Director explained that these were being investigated by the working party and would be contained in the issues report.


Members congratulated Officers for an excellent piece of work and the thorough consultation which had been undertaken and it was agreed that an issues report would be brought back to the Committee in advance of Gateway 5.


RESOLVED – That Option 1 with an estimated cost of £16.3m to £17.1m be taken forward to Gateway 5, and that Urgency procedures, if required, be carried out by the Court of Common Council.

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