Agenda item

Protocol for Nominations to Ward Committees

Report of the Twon Clerk (copy attached).


The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk concerning a protocol for the nomination of Members for appointment to Ward Committees.


Reference was made to the wording of the protocol and Members were advised that wording of the introduction and principles for making nominations should be amended to read as follows:-




This document sets out relevant Standing Orders and protocols relating to the appointment of Members to ward committees.


Principles for making nominations


3.  Nominations should take into account all the relevant circumstances including members’ availability, knowledge, experience and the need to develop experience, to contribute to the efficient and effective running of the City Corporation.


Support was expressed for the Protocol as amended. Discussion ensued on the current disparity between Members on the number of ward committees on which Members serve. The Committee noted the disparity but on balance felt that no further action was required.


RESOLVED – that subject to the amendment referred to above and the concurrence of the Court of Common Council the protocol be approved.



Supporting documents: