Agenda item


To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 20 January 2014.


The minutes of the meeting held on 20 January 2014 were approved as a correct record subject to the legislation being described as of ‘secondary significance’ (item 4), Ian Hammerson being corrected to Ian Harrison, where appropriate, ‘size of new property’ amended to ‘size of new property, if any’ (item 5.4) and the model farm being attributed to the former Caen Wood Towers (now Athlone House) rather than Kenwood House (item 5.4).


Matters Arising

London Borough of Camden Flood Warning Letter

The Chairman noted that this had been circulated to the Committee.


Hill Garden & Pergola

The Chairman noted that a report on proposals for marriages and civil ceremonies at this venue would now come to the June meeting of the Committee.


Ponds Project Correspondence

In response to a question from Ian Harrison, the Chairman stated that the City of London would be happy to make the correspondence between the City and the Heath and Hampstead Society between December 2013 – March 2014 public, subject to the agreement of the Society.


Planning – Athlone House

Susan Rose noted that an application to list Athlone House had now been submitted.



The Chairman noted that issues arising from winter storms would be dealt with under item 5c.


Graffiti – Hill Garden Shelter

The Superintendent noted that the City Surveyor’s Department would be inspecting the shelter at the end of April 2014 and would discuss the composition of the render with English Heritage.


Dog Control Orders (DCOs)

The Chairman noted that this issue would likely be submitted to the November 2014 meeting of the Committee. The Director of Open Spaces noted that the Epping Forest & Commons Committee had recently decided to proceed with statutory consultation on implementation of DCOs at Burnham Beeches. Meanwhile the Anti-Social Behaviour Bill was progressing through the House of Lords and the measures arising from Parliament would be considered by the Open Spaces and City Gardens Committee, likely in June 2014. It was expected that Dog Control Orders would continue for a further 18 months before requiring to be converted into new Anti-Social Behaviour Orders.


The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

The Chairman noted this would be dealt with under item 5g.



Parliament Hill Athletics Track Charges 2014/15

In response to a question from Richard Sumray on behalf of Simon Taylor, the Chairman confirmed that the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park Committee had agreed to freeze the 2014/15 season ticket charges at 2013/14 level as a gesture of goodwill.



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