Agenda item


To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 8 July 2013 (copy attached).


The minutes of the meeting dated Monday 8 July 2013 were approved as a correct record subject to the following amendments:


Members Present

Committee members to have the name of the group they are representing given in the list of attendees.


Item 1 Apologies

Ian Harrison noted that he had submitted his apologies for the 8 July meeting.


Item 4 Reports of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath

‘(Copies attached)’ to be deleted.


Item 4.3 Progress Report on Enhancement of Landscaping Works to Bull Path and Surrounding Areas

‘Three tupes of buttercup’ to be amended to ‘Three types…’


Matters Arising

Dog Walking

The Chairman noted that the report on commercial dog walking on the Heath, that had been intended for the present meeting, would now be submitted to the committee meeting in January 2014.



The Chairman noted that an update on planning decisions would form part of the Superintendent’s update in the current meeting.


Affordable Art Fair

In response to a question from Ian Harrison the Superintendent confirmed that the Affordable Art Fair proposal for a ‘Grow London’ event had been submitted to, and approved by, the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park Committee in September 2013.


London Borough of Camden Flood Warning Letter

The Superintendent apologised that he had not circulated a letter from the London Borough of Camden detailing information to local residents on the risks associated with flooding, as had been promised at the July meeting. He undertook to circulate the letter as promised, and took the opportunity to update the committee that Camden would be issuing maps of at-risk areas of surface water flooding in early December 2013. The information provided by Camden would similarly be circulated to the committee.


Cycle Stands

In response to a query from Mary Port over the installation of cycle stands, the Superintendent noted that this had been discussed at the recent committee walk on 2 November, and that he would update her on the issue outside of the meeting.


Supporting documents: