Agenda item

Weddings at Keats House

Report of the Director of Culture, Heritage and Libraries.


The Committee received a report of the Director of Culture, Heritage and Libraries asking Members to consider the best route forward with proposals to hold wedding ceremonies at Keats House.


The Director of Visitor Services reported that at a recent Keats House Consultative Committee meeting and at a special residents meeting, there had been strong feeling against the proposals from a small group. He added that the majority of the local population remained neutral.


The Director drew attention to the current budget deficit at Keats House and highlighted the importance of the House generating its own income. He added that some residents had suggested alternative ways of raising money for the House and officers felt these should be explored prior to going ahead with the wedding plans.


In response to a Member's question, the Principal Curator advised that she anticipated less disruption from a wedding ceremony than from some of the existing private events at the House.




a)    officers be tasked to undertake a feasibility assessment of alternative fundraising plans suggested by local residents and report back to the Committee at the first meeting of the New Year; and

b)    the decision regarding whether to hold wedding ceremonies at Keats House be delayed pending the above mentioned report.


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