Agenda item

City of London Local Plan: publication and examination

Report of the City Planning Officer.


NB: The Appendix to this report has been circulated electronically as a separately bound document. Hard copies of the Local Plan are also available on request or a copy can be found in the Members’ Reading Room.



The Committee considered a report of the City Planning Officer proposing revisions to the City Corporation’s draft Local Plan and to its publication for a final period of public consultation.




1.    the Local Plan be agreed and published for public consultation;


2.    following consultation, the Local Plan, the public’s responses and other supporting documents be submitted to the Secretary of State for examination by a planning inspector; and


3.    the City Planning officer be authorised, following the close of public consultation, in discussion with the Chairman or Deputy Chairman of the Planning & Transportation Committee, to compile a list of further changes to the Local Plan in response to the public’s comments and to submit these to the Secretary of State

Supporting documents: