Agenda item

City of London Visitor Strategy

Report of the Director of Culture, Heritage and Libraries.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Culture, Heritage and Libraries proposing the adoption of revised Visitor Strategy.


During discussion the following comments were made:-


·           In delivering the Strategy across the City officers should ensure that activities were joined up;


·           More emphasis should be placed on communication generally to ensure that all audiences, including City workers, were aware of the City’s visitor attractions;


·           Reference was made to the high number of visitors staying in the City’s Hotels and to the importance of ensuring that relevant information was available in those venues;


·           Members supported a suggestion for the Director to report back later next year on the work being undertaken to promote and communicate the City’s visitor attractions, particularly to City workers.


RESOLVED – That the new Visitor Strategy for 2013-17 be adopted and that the Director of Culture, Heritage and Libraries be requested to report back later next year on the work being undertaken to promote and communicate the City’s visitor attractions, particularly to City workers..


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