Agenda item

Supporting the City of London Corporation's Programme of European engagement: request for additional funding

Joint report of the Director of Economic Development and the Director of Public Relations.


The Committee considered a joint report of the Director of Economic Development and the Director of Public Relations proposing additional financial support for the City Corporation’s European engagement strategy.


The Chairman updated the Committee on activities undertaken recently in support of the EU engagement strategy. He advised that the common view amongst business and promotional bodies such as the CBI and TheCityUK was that Britain needed to be in the EU and to be fully engaged and that both he and the Lord Mayor were doing what they could to get this message heard.


RESOLVED – That approval be given to:-


1.    additional expenditure be approved not exceeding £50,000 for the remainder of the current financial year, and not exceeding £150,000 for 2014/15 for an expanded European engagement strategy; to be funded from the Committee’s City’s Cash contingency 2013/14 and 2014/2015 respectively; and


2.    the approval of the expenditure on individual specific projects be delegated to  the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman.

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