Agenda item

Introduction of qualifications for the office of Auditor of Chamberlain's and Bridgemasters' Accounts and Regularising the electoral timetable and processes for the Offices elected by the Livery - Draft Bill for Act of Common Council

Joint report of the Town Clerk, the Chamberlain and the Comptroller & City Solicitor.


The Committee considered a joint report of the Town Clerk, Chamberlain and the Comptroller and City Solicitor submitting a Bill for an Act of Common Council, introducing qualifications for the office of Auditor of the Chamberlain’s and Bridgemaster’s Accounts and regularising the electoral timetable and processes for the various offices appointed at Common Hall.


A Deputy Chairman stated that it was important for the City Corporation to ensure that there was no conflict of interest when appointing the Auditor and questioned whether this should be covered in the Bill. It was suggested that should it be necessary to make such a change the approval of the final wording be delegated to the Town Clerk in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman.




1.    the Bill for an Act for an Act of Common Council, introducing qualifications for the office of Auditor of the Chamberlain’s and Bridgemaster’s Accounts and regularising the electoral timetable and processes for the various offices appointed at Common Hall be approved as set out in the report, subject to it being settled by the Recorder of London and submitted to the Court of Common Council for approval; and


2.    should it be necessary to amend the Bill to take account of any potential conflict  of interest in relation to the appointment of an Auditor, the final wording be delegated to the Town Clerk in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman.



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