Agenda item

Cultural Hub Working Party

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk concerning the creation of a Cultural Hub Working Party to oversee the strategy for developing a cultural hub in the City.


A Deputy Chairman referred to the composition of the Working Party and suggested that given the significance of the creation of a cultural hub, one of the Committee’s places on it should be allocated to the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee or to one of the Deputy Chairmen. Further discussion ensued and it was agreed that given the importance of this project, in addition to the appointment of two representatives, the Working Party should be chaired by the Chairman of this Committee.


The Committee also agreed to the Principal of the Guildhall School Music and Drama and the Director of Culture, Heritage and Libraries serving on the Working Party.




1.    a working party be established to oversee the development of a cultural hub based on the Barbican area to coordinate improvements to the street scene, links to future transport infrastructure developments, and increased collaboration between the cultural institutions in and around that area;


2.    the working party be constituted for 12 months initially and that its membership be as follows:-


·                The Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee who should also chair the working party;

·                Two additional representatives from the Policy & Resources Committee

·                One representative from:-


o    the Board of the Museum of London

o    the Barbican Centre Board

o    the Board of Governors of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama

o    the Culture, Heritage and Libraries Committee

o    the Planning and Transportation Committee


·                the Managing Director of the Barbican Centre

·                The Principal of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama

·                The Director of Culture Heritage and Libraries 

·                the Director of the Museum of London

·                the Director of the Built Environment


3.    the Policy & Resources Committee be kept updated on the activities of the working party.


Supporting documents: