Agenda item

Progress Report and Events

To receive a progress report of the Chief Grants Officer.


The Committee considered the regular progress report and events update of the Chief Grants Officer.


The Chief Grants Officer informed Members of the launch of Trust support for the London Youth Quality Mark as part of the Trust’s Investing in Londoners programme. The Chief Executive of London Youth had been very impressed with the partnership approach initiated by the Trust.


The Chief Grants Officer advised Trust officers had been attending training on the City’s new procurement regulations and at this meeting the extension of the Champollion contract was being requested at a cost of £14,000, which would be met through the Trust’s local risk budget. It was noted that an additional expense of £4,950 towards the work of Champollion to completethe Parklife London website would be sought through delegated authority.




a)    Members note the contents of this report; and

b)    with respect to the proposed extension of Champollion’s contract, the waiver of the City’s Procurement Regulations relating to tender threshold for consultants be approved.

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