Agenda item

Pan-London Personalisation Project

To consider a report of the Chief Grants Officer.


The Committee considered a report of the Chief Grants Officer which proposed the Committee support the continuation of a project which provides support to some of London’s most entrenched rough sleepers into a life away from the streets. Members remarked that this project was in line with the work of the City’s Department of Community and Children’s Services and was an initiative that was making an impact.


It was noted that the organisation’s free unrestricted cash reserves held at 31 March 2013 were £1.23 million and not £1.23 as stated.



a)    A sum of £80,000 over 18 months to enable Broadway Homelessness and Support to continue the roll out of the Pan-London Personalisation Project be approved, to be costed against the budget for Strategic Initiatives for 2013/14.

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