Agenda item

Applications for a Grant of Money

To consider the following applications for a grant of money.


·         ABF The Soldiers’ Charity

·         Action Medical Research for Children

·         Arthritis Research UK

·         Action for Kids

·         Bobath Centre

·         Brainwave

·         Children’s Hope Foundation

·         Children with Cancer UK

·         Christian Mercy Foundation

·         Dyspraxia Foundation

·         Fairfield Future

·         MERU

·         Motability

·         PACE

·         Perthes Association

·         Rose Road Association

·         Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Appeal

·         Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital Charity

·         The Air Ambulance Service

·         The Child Care Action Trust

·         The Children’s Hospital Charity

·         The Orthopaedic Institute Limited

·         The Movement Centre

·         The Stagecoach Charitable Trust




ABF Soldier’s Charity

RESOLVED: That no grant would be awarded on this occasion.


Action Medical Research for Children

RESOLVED: That a grant of £5,000 be awarded.


Arthritis Research UK

RESOLVED: That no grant would be awarded on this occasion.


Action for Kids

RESOLVED: That a grant of £5,000 be awarded.


Bobath Centre for Children with Cerebral Palsy

RESOLVED: That a grant of £2,000 be awarded.



RESOLVED: That no grant would be awarded on this occasion.


Children’s Hope Foundation

RESOLVED: That a grant of £5,000 be awarded.


Children with Cancer UK

RESOLVED: That no grant would be awarded on this occasion.


Christian Mercy Foundation

RESOLVED: That no grant would be awarded on this occasion.


Dyspraxia Foundation

RESOLVED: That no grant would be awarded on this occasion.


Fairfield Future

RESOLVED: That no grant would be awarded on this occasion.



RESOLVED: That a grant of £3,000 be awarded.



RESOLVED: That no grant would be awarded on this occasion.



RESOLVED: That a grant of £5,000 be awarded.


Perthes Association

RESOLVED: That a grant of £4,000 be awarded.


Rose Road Association

RESOLVED: That a grant of £3,000 be awarded.


Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital

RESOLVED: That a grant of £7,500 be awarded.


Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital Charity

RESOLVED: That a grant of £3,000 be awarded.



The Air Ambulance Service

RESOLVED: That a grant of £5,000 be awarded.


The Child Care Action Trust

RESOLVED: That a grant of £4,500 be awarded.


The Children’s Hospital Charity

RESOLVED: That no grant would be awarded on this occasion.


The Orthopaedic Institute Limited

RESOLVED: That a grant of £5,000 be awarded.


The Movement Centre

RESOLVED: That a grant of £5,000 be awarded.


The Stagecoach Charitable Trust

RESOLVED: That a grant of £3,000 be awarded.


The total of the grants awarded amounted therefore to £65,000, subject to ratification at the next quorate meeting of the Committee.