Agenda item

Guildhall Library

Presentation by the Head of Guildhall Library.


The Committee received a presentation by the Head of Guildhall Library.


The presentation covered the following subjects:-


·         The diverse activities of the library;

·         Its digitisation project;

·         Social media;

·         The improved income position of the library; and

·         It’s strengthening partnerships with other departments and organisations.


In response to a Member’s question, the Director of Culture, Heritage and Libraries advised that his department was working closely with others across the City Corporation on a number of upcoming historic anniversaries, including Magna Carta and Shakespeare’s 450th Birthday.


In response to a question on the large increase in the level of income produced by the library, the Head of Guildhall Library responded that this could be attributed to ticketed evening events, the play that took place at the Library and charging for elements of the digitisation project.