Agenda item

City of London Pocketbook - Options for the future

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk detailing outcomes from the recently undertaken Pocketbook Survey and seeking approval to the creation of a working party to consider options for the future production of the Pocketbook.




a)    the Pocketbook Working Party be established with a suggested composition as follows: -


Chairman of the Culture, Heritage and Libraries Committee

Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee (or his representative)

The Chief Commoner

A Member of the Policy and Resources Committee

A Member of the Finance Committee

A Member of the Culture, Heritage and Libraries Committee


b)    that Jamie Ingham Clark be appointed to serve on  the working party from the Culture, Heritage and Libraries Committee and John Scott, as Chairman, also be appointed; and

c)    the working party examine potential improvements that could be made as outlined in the report.







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