Agenda item

Gateway 4 Detailed Options Appraisal – 8-10 Moorgate Area Improvements


The Sub Committee considered a report of the Director of the Built Environment in respect of the detailed options appraisal for 8 – 10 Moorgate area. The project sought to raise the carriageway to footway level and introduce seating to create new public space in Tokenhouse Yard and Telegraph Street.  


In response to questions, officers advised that signage would be considered at Gateway 5 but it would be kept to a minimum.  However, enforceable traffic orders would be made very clear to the public.


RESOLVED – that:


1.     Option 1, as set out in the report, be adopted; ie the pedestrianisation of the eastern part of the street and a timed closure to vehicles for the remainder of the street.


2.        The project progress to the next Gateway.

Supporting documents: