The Committee considered a progress report of the Director of the Built Environment in respect of the above project. In response to questions about Listed Building compliance, officers agreed to check that replacements would be like-for-like. In respect of possible damage to vents, should seating be removed, members noted that the replacement would be immediate. Finally, members noted that the seating for the upper level of the Ben Jonson Highwalk was in abeyance, pending completion of the waterproofing project.
Members noted that all projects have a ‘lessons learnt’ phase at the end; as part of the Gateway 7 report.
RESOLVED – that, the seating and planters be removed from St Giles Terrace and Ben Jonson Highwalk and relocated to elsewhere in the City, for use by the City community, and seating similar to that present on site be put back before the delivery of the City’s improvement project.
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