The Sub Committee considered a report of the Director of the Built Environment, which sought to enhance the user experience of Beech Street. Members noted that since Beech Street had now been classified as a covered road, more options would be available.
In response to questions, officers advised that the next report (Gateway 4) would consider issues such as access, the central reservation, escalators and lifts. The report would also form part of the consultation on the Barbican Area Strategy and be reported to the next cycle of the Residents’ Consultation Committee and the Barbican Residential Committee. Finally, a ward member for Cripplegate, who was in attendance, advised members that a new consultation protocol was being prepared between Barbican residents and the City.
1. All three options, as set out in the report be progressed to the next Gateway, subject to a full public consultation.
2. An additional £19,000 be allocated to progress the project to the next Gateway, as set out in the table at Appendix 5 to the report.
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