Agenda item

Special Events on the Public Highway for 2014



The Committee considered a joint report of the Director of the Built Environment and the Director of Public relations, outlining the major events planned for 2014.

During the debate and discussion the following items were raised/noted:

·       The Childrens Parade was always held on a Friday to ensure maximum attendance

·       Members were concerned at the large number of events and it was generally agreed that the number should reduce in future years.  It was suggested that events finishing early evening in the summer months might start later.

·       The impact on the night time economy for those events starting very early in the day should be considered. 

·       All sporting events in the City should be non-profit making, with all proceeds to charities.

·       Members generally favoured subtle lighting to the bridges, as used during the Olympics.  Officers advised that City bye-laws prohibited commercial exploitation of the bridges. 

In concluding, the Chairman noted that the same number of events as held last year was being proposed.  Members agreed to make a formal judgement when they received a detailed report in April. 

Members further noted that a report setting out Event Guidelines providing a framework to consider both new and existing events would come to the Sub Committee in April 2014. 



RESOLVED, that :

1.     The major events taking place in the City, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, be agreed.

2.     Progress and planning to date in relation to the Tour de France and Prudential Ride London cycling events be noted.

3.     A short-term road closure, on the same basis as 2013, be agreed  to allow the Children’s Parade event to take place on Friday 27 June 2014.

4.     A further report be presented to members in Spring2014 reviewing the Events Guidelines, including special event lighting for the City’s River Bridges and the introduction of an application fee for special events, from April 2014.  


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