Agenda item


To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 3 July 2013 (attached).


The public minutes of the meeting held on 3 July 2013 were approved as a correct record.


Matters Arising


Role of Deputies (page 2)


Members’ noted that subsequent to the previous meeting of the Sub Committee, all Deputies had been invited to discuss their role. However, Members stated that the role of Deputies was clear and focussed principally on advising the Town Clerk of appointments to Committees.


The Chief Commoner explained that a number of Members had recently met to discuss the role of Ward Deputies with a view to clarifying any misunderstanding about the role. Arising from those discussions Members were of the view that it was important to be clear that the role of Deputies was not to make appointments to committees, but rather to advise the Town Clerk of the decision of Members regarding appointments.


The Sub Committee agreed that it was important that Aldermen fulfilled the responsibility for informing Deputies about their duties. Whilst some guidance had been despatched to Deputies, the Sub Committee agreed that this should be circulated again to all Members.


Supporting Statements & CVs (page 2-3)


The Sub Committee agreed that part (b) of the resolution that had been made at the last meeting should be amended so that ‘be advised to conform’ should be replaced with ‘have only the first 100 words published’.


The revised part (b) of the resolution to read: ‘any Member who ignores that guidance will have only the first 100 words published’.


Supporting documents: