Agenda item

Progress Report on Improvements to East Heath Car Park and South End Green Approach


The Assistant Operational Services Manager introduced a report on improvements made to the East Heath Car Park and the South End Green Approach. She noted that reconfiguration of car parking had led to an increase of £60,000 in revenue and that enhancement works had made the site a more sustainable location for fairs.


In response to concerns expressed by John Hunt, the Superintendent assured the Committee that there were no plans to remove shrub from around nearby buildings.


Jeremy Wright congratulated the Superintendent on his commitment to removing unnecessary fencing across the Heath. As an aside, he expressed concern that the panel engineer on the Ponds Project would request that shrubbery from the downslope of the dams be cleared and requested therefore that thought be given to providing some remedial screening. Lastly, he stated that the planned discharge facility to be appropriately screened. The Superintendent expressed doubt that the panel engineer would make such a request regarding the downslope of the dams, and agreed that the discharge facility should be appropriately screened.


In response to a question from Jeremy Wright on the perceived success of the grass planting on the fairground site, the Assistant Operational Services Manager replied that a full assessment would take place later in the year.


Ian Harrison congratulated Heath staff on the hydroseeding work that had taken place, commenting that it had improved the aesthetics of the location remarkably.


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