Agenda item

Markets Business Plan Up-date Period 2 2013/14

Report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection.


A report of the Director of Markets & Consumer Protection provided an update on the progress against the Business Plan of the Markets Department for Period 2 (August - November) 2013-14 against key performance indicators (KPIs) and the objectives outlined in the Business Plan.


Members noted that the Markets & Consumer Protection Department had, to date, underspent in 2013/14 by £169k against an overall local risk budget of £1.1 million. The Department was forecast to underspend by £130k by the end of the financial year. The Committee was informed of how the underspend was distributed across City Fund and City Cash respectively.


The Director of Markets & Consumer Protection advised the Committee that the reasons for the current budget position at the end of November 2013 was largely due to balancing charges proving less that had originally been projected for Citigen costs (combined heat and power) for the years 2010-2013. Underspent funds would be subsumed within the capped service charge income at Smithfield Market. It was anticipated that the better than budget position would continue until the end of the financial year.


In discussion, Members queried the lower recycling figures at Smithfield Market compared with those at Spitalfields and Billingsgate markets. The Committee heard from the Superintendent of Smithfield Market that the new recycling regime had been newly implemented and the low numbers would relate to a large degree to the volume of trade. Further, many materials (such as cardboard) were ineligible for recycling if they were bloodstained.


The Committee, in response to a Member’s question, was informed by the Superintendent of Billingsgate Market that high pre-tender costs estimate at Billingsgate were due to an overestimate of how much that particular exercise would cost.




      I.        the contents of the report be noted.

    II.        Appendix C of the report (Market Key Risks) be added to the Corporation’s Risk Register.


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