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Registered Plan No.: 13/01004/FULEIA
Proposal:Partial demolition and works of refurbishment and reinstatement to 19-21 Billiter Street; demolition of all other buildings on the site; redevelopment to provide a new building comprising two basement levels and ground plus part 10, 14 and 34 storeys plus plant (total height 170m AOD) containing offices (B1) and flexible retail/financial and professional services/cafe and restaurant uses (A1/A2/A3) at ground floor level; food and drink (A3/A4) uses at levels 13 and 14; change of use at ground and first floor of 19-21 Billiter Street to retail/cafe and restaurant/bar use (A1/A3/A4); the provision of hard and soft landscaping; alterations to Fenchurch Buildings and other incidental works.
The City Planning Officer detailed site and surrounding information to Members and informed the Committee of various amendments to the conditions which had been made available online.
Further to questions, the City Planning Officer informed Members of the following –
· With regard to planning gain, there would be a contribution of £12m for Crossrail (part S106 (£8m) and part CIL (£4m)) and £6.5m (S106) for the City towards the cost of various enhancement activities.
· Members were informed that the impact of demolition and construction would be considered in detail and an agreement as to how this was dealt with would be made between the Corporation and the developer.
· Members were informed that the proposed development included a roof top restaurant and terrace on the lower rise part of the development.
· A servicing agreement would be drawn up to ensure that all deliveries could be accommodated, especially given that many deliveries were expected between 9am and 10am which was the busiest time of the day.
· Members were informed that there was no further impact on Aviva Tower plaza with regard to loss of sunlight above that caused by the already approved “Scalpel” tower.
Upon being put to the vote, the application was approved – 26 in favour, 1 against.
a) planning permission be granted for the above proposal in accordance with the details set out in the attached scheduled, subject to:
(i) Planning Obligations and other agreements being entered into as set out in the body of this report, the decision notice not to be issued until such obligations have been executed; and
(ii) The Mayor of London be given 14 days to decide whether or not to direct the Council to refuse planning permission (under Article 5(1)(a) of the Town & Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008).
b) Officers be instructed to negotiate and execute obligations in respect of those matters set out in "Planning Obligations" under Section 106 and any necessary agreements under Section 278 of the Highway Act 1980.
c) in principle, the area of public highway described in the report be stopped-up to enable the development to proceed and, upon receipt of the formal application, officers be instructed to proceed with arrangements for advertising and making of a Stopping-up order for that area, under the delegation arrangements approved by the Court of Common Council; and
d) the area of land described in the report be dedicated as public highway.
Supporting documents: