Agenda item

National Lead Force: Third Quarter Performance Report

To receive a report of the Commissioner of Police.


The Sub Committee received a report of the Commissioner of Police updating on the third quarter performance of the 2013/14 achievement of the national Lead Force (NLF) against its agreed Key Performance Areas (KPASs) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).


The Commander of Economic Crime remarked on KPI 3.3, which had decreased and was listed as Amber due to a change in the methodology with disruptions now only awarded on conviction.


The Commander noted the performance figures were cumulative and reported on a quarterly basis. Members discussed the results of the latest stakeholder satisfaction survey with NLF economic crime services, which included victims and partners in industry. It was agreed future survey reports would include the standard deviation, the number of stakeholders surveyed, the previous survey results, and the categories of different stakeholders surveyed to provide a more detailed analysis of the results.


RESOLVED - That the report be noted and its contents received.



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