Agenda item

Grants Approved under Delegated Authority


The Committee received a report of the Chief Grants Officer which advised Members of 6 expenditure items, totalling £32,250, which had been presented for approval under delegated authority to the Chief Grants Officer.



·         Protege DNA Ltd  - £4,000 to match CEP funding towards wage costs Dagenham Bangladeshi Women & Children's Association - £12,000 for two years towards salaries and running costs

·         Carers Support (Bexley) - £11,500 for a third and final year towards salaries and an advice and advocacy service



·         Community Links Bromley - 10 days (value £4,000) to undertake an eco-audit

·         London Voluntary Service Council - One additional day to complete the review process and prepare the final report

·         Voluntary Action Islington - Provision of one additional day for the delivery of an information workshop


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